I could describe what I do in The Innovation Zone in many different ways. However, I am first and foremost a facilitator.
I understand that it is you who must establish your Innovation Organisation – I can’t, and shouldn’t, do it for you. My role is to listen, help, guide, encourage, enthuse, stimulate and challenge. I can provide training, offer potential solutions, and coach people to realise their full potential. I can run large events, create specific innovation resources and spread the word on innovation. And I would be delighted to remain on call, provide ad hoc support and perhaps return some time later to see how things are progressing. However, all these activities serve a larger goal: to help you create an Innovation Organisation. I am a facilitator – not a consultant. My aim is to help you establish a position of self-sufficiency, and thereby do myself out of a job!
There is no one right way to create an Innovation Organisation. So, we begin by agreeing together the most appropriate route for you to follow. You can approach the Innovation Organisation through any one, or any combination, of the six routes. The important issue is to ensure that you are taking a broad view, that you know how the different elements will fit together, and that the approach works for your organisation.
I can then provide enough support to establish momentum. I will develop your pool of internal resource so that you can take things forward yourself. We can then determine the most appropriate time for me to step back and leave you to it.
And remember, I promise to make everything we do together a real experience! Check out some of the feedback that I have received over the years – it speaks more loudly than I would ever dare.
You now know what creating an Innovation Organisation is all about. So, get in touch and let’s change the world together!
Alisdair Wiseman – The Innovation Zone.